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Restructuring of the surroundings of the Puerta del Sol, Madrid, Spain
Year 2023

    Restructuring of the surroundings of the Puerta del Sol, Madrid, Spain

    Competition 2014. 1st prize

    The aim of this project is to recover this representative space, degraded in recent decades, generating a square that is as versatile and democratic as possible, capable of accommodating the different uses to which it is subjected. It is understood that its original design, by Lucio del Valle, contains some of the virtues sought.

    To this end, the different elements that were in the square and that prevented a clear reading of the space were cleaned up and reorganised. In order to clear the centre and generate the desired urban forum, the kiosks are grouped together at both ends of the square, while the equestrian sculpture of Carlos III is moved from the centre to the side, placing it inside a large fountain next to Casa del Correo building. The emerging elements, kiosks, lifts and the railway exit are redesigned according to a unitary criterion, giving them transparency and lightness.

    The original geometry of the site is enhanced by the design of a series of benches that respond to the street entrances. They act as a base for the façades and reinforce the arch. These benches contain the sculptures of El Oso y el Madroño and the Mariblanca at their ends, as well as unifying two of the metro exits. The rhythm of the architecture of the period is carried over to the paving design by means of cobblestone that adapt the slabs to the curved geometry of the square. The 0 Kilometer, a popular attraction in the square, is integrated into the general design of the paving. It is given greater presence and dignity by serving as an entrance carpet to the Casa del Correo.

    The project not only contemplates the strict scope of the Puerta del Sol but also extends to the 11 surrounding streets, unifying the urban image of the centre of the city of Madrid.

    Regarding this issue, Kevin Lynch says: “A very friendly city (evident, legible or visible) would seem, in this specific sense, well-shaped, defined, noticeable… a reference of great continuity, with many differentiated parts but clearly linked to one another”.

    Authors: Linazasoro&Sánchez Arquitectura
    Collaborators: Alba Troitiño Bernal, María Cristina Cano, José Rodríguez
    Photographs: Linazasoro&Sánchez, Eduardo Prieto and Hotel Europa