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Refurbishment and extension of Palazzo Massari, Ferrara, Italy
Year 2017

    Refurbishment and extension of Palazzo Massari, Ferrara, Italy

    Competition 2017. 2nd price

    The intervention at Palazzo Massari consists in the reinstatement of the original type of the building, rebuilding a disappeared wing in the inner courtyard. This wind is materialized using brick walls similar to those of the old palace, only with no tectonic purpose, and supporting them on a visible steel structure designed under the same order as the palace. This way the intervention is differentiated and the ensemble is unified at the same time.

    Inside this new bay is enclosed a full-height space that houses temporary exhibitions and a staircase that creates a downward itinerary.

    Authors: Linazasoro&Sánchez Arquitectura, Enrico Ferraresi, Leonardo Blasetti
    Collaborators: Alba Troitiño Bernal, Enrico Berti